Welcome To My Universe.

Hello there! My name is Teniola. I am really delighted to have you here on this tiny little domain of mine.
So, I’m a writer, poet, diarist and a spoken word poetry artiste.
I love reading, writing, doing karaoke, listening to music but most importantly I love mediating, I love listening to people and seeing from their point of view, I’m a good listener and I love handing out advice too.

I am a simple girl who’s currently working on being the best version of herself. I am a lover of Jesus, nature, children and beautiful things. I am an aesthetic being. I am compassionate, caring and loving and so I want everybody to be happy.

I have an equal sense of right and wrong and so I believe in treating people the way you would have them treat you. I believe in justice, fairness and equality. I am a feminist who is aspiring to be a professor and a best-selling author.

I am a nerd, a nyctophile, and an ambivert.
Writing is the way I bring my imagination to life and it happens to be the only thing that makes me happy.
I want to live to impact and to impart.
To make a remarkable and notable impact in life and to impart positivity into people’s lives.

This platform is the place where I showcase my works and share my ideas. May God bless you as you engage in every post.